Saturday 8 September 2012

Stop Hiccups

How To Stop Hiccups?

First take a deep breath then keep drinking tiny sips of water until you can no longer hold your breath.


Let a spoonful of sugar dissolve on your tongue then swallow. 

    Talking on the phone will fix them.

Trying to do them on purpose, or forcing one, brings them to a stop. 

Stimulating the nerves of the throat helps, try massaging your earlobes. 

Drinking water upside down helps. 

Take a deep breath, hold it then bend over sharply. Keep holding your breath until you no longer can then let it out and take another deep breath.


Try drinking a half glass of water, tilt your head up with your mouth open and hold your breath for 10 seconds. 

Take a drink of water, hold it in your mouth then plug your ears and swallow. 

Monday 27 August 2012

Diabetes prevention: 3 tips for taking control

1.There are many benefits to regular physical activity. Exercise can help you:

  • Lose weight
  • Lower your blood sugar
  • Boosts your sensitivity to insulin — which helps keep your blood sugar within a normal range
Research shows that both aerobic exercise and resistance training can help control diabetes, but the greatest benefit comes from a fitness program that includes both.

 2.Get plenty of fiber

It's rough, it's tough — and it may help you:
  • Reduce your risk of diabetes by improving your blood sugar control
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Promote weight loss by helping you feel full
Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

 3. Go for whole grains

Although it's not clear why, whole grains may reduce your risk of diabetes and help maintain blood sugar levels. Try to make at least half your grains whole grains. Many foods made from whole grains come ready to eat, including various breads, pasta products and many cereals. Look for the word "whole" on the package and among the first few items in the ingredient list.

Tips to trear rashes on face

If the rashes on the face become very bad and you find that it is spreading all over your body and getting out of your control, then you should consult your doctor. If your face itches because of the rash, you can use some olive oil on the rash. This will cool it and give you some relief. You can also apply baking powder on the area where you have the rash. Aloe Vera gel is also very effective in such cases and soothes the skin. This can be used overnight for best results. Cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil are other things which are very good to treat the rash on your face.
Make a cup of calcium water by adding Calcium Gluconate into one cup of water. You can soak a towel in this water and then lay it on your rash. You can also use oatmeal to reduce the rashes on your face. Simply cook one cup of oatmeal and then cool. This can be applied to the rashes on the face for almost instant relief. You should avoid touching the rash constantly since this will only irritate the skin there. If you do happen to touch your face, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. You should also practice some simple steps to keep your rash safe from irritations. You should stop using soap and instead look for a gentler option. Also, you should avoid scrubbing your face since this will only irritate the skin and make it painful. You simply should not use any cosmetics or creams directly on the rash and follow good skin care habits. You should also not use your cosmetics over the rash.  When washing your face, avoid using very hot water. Warm water is a better option and you should use this.  Keeping your rash covered is not a good idea. Instead you should allow the rash to be exposed to the fresh air, thus allowing it to heal faster. However, when you go out you always use an umbrella or a wide brimmed hat that covers your face and ensures that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Sunday 26 August 2012

50 Ways To Boost Your Brain

50 Ways To Boost Your Brain

  1. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.
  2. Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Switch hands for knife and fork.
  3. Embrace ambiguity. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes and optical illusions.
  4. Learn mind mapping.
  5. Block one or more senses. Eat blindfolded, wear earplugs, shower with your eyes closed.
  6. Develop comparative tasting. Learn to properly taste wine, chocolate, beer, cheese or anything else.
  7. Find intersections between seemingly unrelated topics.
  8. Learn to use different keyboard layouts. Try Colemak or Dvorak for a full mind twist!
  9. Find novel uses for common objects. How many different uses can you find for a nail? 10? 100?
  10. Reverse your assumptions.
  11. Learn creativity techniques.
  12. Go beyond the first, ‘right’ answer.
  13. Transpose reality. Ask “What if?” questions.
  14. SCAMPER!
  15. Turn pictures or the desktop wallpaper upside down.
  16. Become a critical thinker. Learn to spot common fallacies.
  17. Learn logic. Solve logic puzzles.
  18. Get familiar with the scientific method.
  19. Draw. Doodle. You don’t need to be an artist.
  20. Think positive.
  21. Engage in arts — sculpt, paint, play music — or any other artistic endeavor.
  22. Learn to juggle.
  23. Eat ‘brain foods’.
  24. Be slightly hungry.
  25. Exercise!
  26. Sit up straight.
  27. Drink lots of water.
  28. Deep-breathe.
  29. Laugh!
  30. Vary activities. Get a hobby.
  31. Sleep well.
  32. Power nap.
  33. Listen to music.
  34. Conquer procrastination.
  35. Go technology-less.
  36. Look for brain resources in the web.
  37. Change clothes. Go barefoot.
  38. Master self-talk.
  39. Simplify!
  40. Play chess or other board games. Play via Internet (particularly interesting is to play an ongoing game by e-mail).
  41. Play ‘brain’ games. Sudoku, crossword puzzles or countless others.
  42. Be childish!
  43. Play video games.
  44. Be humorous! Write or create a joke.
  45. Create a List of 100.
  46. Have an Idea Quota.
  47. Capture every idea. Keep an idea bank.
  48. Incubate ideas. Let ideas percolate. Return to them at regular intervals.
  49. Engage in ‘theme observation’. Try to spot the color red as many times as possible in a day. Find cars of a particular make. Invent a theme and focus on it.
  50. Keep a journal.

10 Tips to healthy eating and physical activity

10 Tips to healthy eating and physical activity

  • Start your day with breakfast.

Breakfast fills your "empty tank" to get you going after a long night without food. And it can help you do better in school. Easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night's pizza!

  • Get Moving!

It's easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a 10-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day.

  • Snack smart.

Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups - a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking.

  • Work up a sweat.

Vigorous work-outs - when you're breathing hard and sweating - help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging, or dancing. Follow-up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool-down with more stretching and deep breathing.

  • Balance your food choices - don't eat too much of any one thing.

You don't have to give up foods like hamburgers, french fries and ice cream to eat healthy. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices from the Food Guide Pyramid and checking out the Nutrition Facts Panel on food labels will help you get all these nutrients.

  • Get fit with friends or family.

Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each week.

  • Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.

These foods give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides, they taste good! Try breads such as whole-wheat, bagels and pita. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the grain group.
Bananas, strawberries and melons are some great tasting fruits. Try vegetables raw, on a sandwich or salad.

  • Join in physical activities at school.

Whether you take a physical education class or do other physical activities at school, such as intramural sports, structures activities are a sure way to feel good, look good and stay physically fit.

  • Foods aren't good or bad.

A healthy eating style is like a puzzle with many parts. Each part -- or food -- is different. Some foods may have more fat, sugar or salt while others may have more vitamins or fiber. There is a place for all these foods. What makes a diet good or bad is how foods fit together. Balancing your choices is important. Fit in a higher-fat food, like pepperoni pizza, at dinner by choosing lower-fat foods at other meals. And don't forget about moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill you up, you don't need a third.

  • Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!

Take advantage of physical activities you and your friends enjoy doing together and eat the foods you like. Be adventurous - try new sports, games and other activities as well as new foods. You'll grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better! Set realistic goals - don't try changing too much at once.